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Occupy What? Huh?

JPod tweeted that he got the galleys for Todd Gitlin’s forthcoming book about the Occupy Wall Street movement. The subtitle: “The Roots, The Spirit, And The Promise of Occupy Wall Street.” What promise? The damn thing’s dead. This must have seemed like a great idea when the book was commissioned. Here we are three months […]

JPod tweeted that he got the galleys for Todd Gitlin’s forthcoming book about the Occupy Wall Street movement. The subtitle: “The Roots, The Spirit, And The Promise of Occupy Wall Street.”

What promise? The damn thing’s dead. This must have seemed like a great idea when the book was commissioned. Here we are three months away from Election Day, and where is Occupy Wall Street? It’s kind of amazing how quickly they burned out, but on second thought, it really isn’t, because they had no demands, and no organization that could have  translated that passion into meaningful action. Oh, they’re still out there on the Internet calling for — no, really — “world revolution,” but nobody cares anymore.

Still, it’s an interesting question: how is it that things can be so crummy for so long, with so many real, and real serious, problems facing the country, and the only protest movement we can generate is that pointless SWPL-palooza called Occupy Wall Street, and the election still comes down to Barack Obama versus Mitt Romney? Read David Brooks today on why this campaign is so awful.  I swear, this campaign is like watching CSPAN1 and CSPAN2 having sex on Ambien.



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